Title: Reticulum
Author: Marta Salek
Release Date: September 25, 2014
Genre: NA Fantasy

Andrea is determined to take on the world and her
talent is such that she might just succeed. But an apprenticeship with an
unscrupulous wizard shatters her self-confidence, leaving her friendless and
When the two meet, they learn that isolation is
not inevitable, after all. That being able to break the laws of the universe
means little if there's no one to break them for. That when you allow yourself
to need, and trust, and love, you can take on anything.

Learn more by visiting her blog at http://martasalek.com/, or follower
her on facebook https://www.facebook.com/marta.salek.5 and twitter https://twitter.com/martasalek1
Thank you to Marta for stopping by and answering a few questions! WS Momma Readers Nook is thrilled to be a part of this tour :) By the way I LOVE your response to question #7 :) So read all about this awesome author and after the interview enter the giveaway!
1. What inspired you to write Reticulum?
in the Reticulum's universe. I've satisfied myself that there is a good
way for the three different types of magic to act and interact. Now
that that's settled in my head, I don't feel the need to write about
them any more.
- ask me something specific, or you get nothing from me! My life is not
interesting enough to share with the general public.
***Author Interview***
Thank you to Marta for stopping by and answering a few questions! WS Momma Readers Nook is thrilled to be a part of this tour :) By the way I LOVE your response to question #7 :) So read all about this awesome author and after the interview enter the giveaway!
1. What inspired you to write Reticulum?
read a lot of fantasy as a child. Always wished that our world could
have a bit of magic in it, and always dreamed that maybe one day I'd
discover some latent, hidden talent in myself… Not to be, sadly, but in
the midst of all those dreams and daydreams, I constructed for myself a
handful of magic systems, built out of all those ones I'd most loved in
the books I read (Isobelle Carmody's, Robert Jordyn's, Susan Cooper's,
etc). If there could be magic out there, this book is really how I'd
like it all to work. One day I decided to write those magic systems
down. And to make it sound less like a thesis outlining the scientific
framework of my imaginary world (because let's face it, that's really
what Reticulum is!), I decided I'd better stick a couple of characters
in, as well :).
2. What character do you most relate to?
main ones… that's why they're my main ones :). Like Matthew and Andrea,
I'm much more at home skulking in a corner somewhere thinking my own
thoughts or reading a book (but not practising magic) than socialising.
They're both a lot smarter than me, but like them, I was always the
person asking awkward questions in the middle of class (all those years
ago when I was young). I've just started my new nursing career, so
Matthew's obsession with healing is based on my own newfound interest in
healthcare. There's a lot of me in both of them.
3. What obstacles did you face while writing?
one obstacle, really - doubt. I know what good writing is, and I know
mine has a long way to go. Sometimes that depresses me. Sometimes it
depresses me that, in some ways, it's so easy to get published now (lots
of small presses out there; lots of people self-publishing with only
the barest nod to good grammar and strict proofreading). The sad fact is
that while of course there are exciting, well-written new books being
produced, there are even more just don't match the quality of those I
love so much. And sometimes (often) I worry that my stories will be just
more of a bad bunch.
It can be hard to keep writing if you allow yourself to think like that. But the thing is, at the time I wrote Reticulum, I really wanted
to write. I was busy finishing off a second degree, in a completely
different field to my previous studies, and that was stressful. Writing,
when I wrote just for myself, was a release. The trick is not to think
about what might happen with the book after you finish. Just get lost in
the story that's in your head, and don't worry too much about the
quality of what you're producing - not at that point. That's what
editing is for, and you can't edit what you don't have written down. And
if after the editing is done, you realise the finished story (short or
long) isn't really of publishable quality, as I've done with many of
mine, then so be it. At least you had the joy of living in that world
for a little while as you wrote it. That's worth something.
no real obstacles. I'm a very organised person. If I want to do
something, I will time-manage and make sure there is space in my life
for me to do it. I set myself writing goals and achieved them - that's
all there was to it.
4. Will there be a second book?
5. Where else might we have seen your writing?
had the odd short story published here and there - Aurealis SF&F
and Perihelion SF are the two people are most likely to have heard of,
and the latter probably only if you're an Aussie. There aren't very many
stories. Don't hunt around too hard!
6. What is your process like? Do you outline, free write, etc..?
was very much outlined, probably because the magic had been in my head
for so long that I knew what I wanted it to do and how it had to
develop. Plus this was the first thing I'd written in, what… thirteen
years? More? I felt more comfortable with a plan. I actually started
writing this story as part of Obernewtyn.Net's
(a fan club for Isobelle Carmody - if you like fantasy and haven't read
hers, go do so now!) summer writing challenge, and as such I was
sharing first draft snippets with a bunch of lovely people who I'm happy
to now call my friends. They egged me on. It's fun having people
discussing what you're writing and making predictions about what's going
to happen. It also helps when that doubt I mentioned earlier is getting
particularly nasty.
Otherwise, I write in a
linear fashion - it's only once I get close to the end and I'm trying to
wrap things up that I might write paragraphs out of order, mainly
because my plans never quite extend to the end. I know roughly how a
story will finish, but there are always story arcs that I need to find a
neat way to terminate. After I finish a draft, I leave it for a period
of time (at least a month), then do an edit where I typically prune out
at least 15% of the book's original waffle. If any of my friends are
feeling in a benevolent mood, I feed them chapters and get feedback and
edits in return, which I then incorporate. I then do another couple of
passes, always with at least a couple of weeks in between, until I get
sick of the story. At that point, if I'm smart, I leave it alone for a
good few months. When I return to it, I'm almost always so embarrassed
at the writing that I shelve the story :). I have to admit, rereading
parts of Reticulum in the last proofread I did, a good year after I
finished the story, made me cringe - if I had my time around, I don't
think I would have sent it out anywhere! But I guess that's part of the
writing process, isn't it? Read your early stuff and weep. Or maybe it's
just me.
7. What additional information would you like to share with your readers?
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