Breakshield by J.B. Rockwell
Series: The Between #1
Release Date: March 26, 2014

The only thing standing in Typhon’s way is Morgan Quendalen and the people of the Shining Lands. They are sworn to protect the last remaining Talents, a precious few who teeter at the edge of extinction. Morgan valiantly fights, protecting these last remnants of magic in a war he's not sure he can actually win.
When Jamie Aster, a mortal Talent with undiscovered powers, is put under his charge, Morgan weighs his oath against a desire to save the Shining Lands. Could he kill a Talent if it meant saving his people?
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Praise for Breakshield
"- Villain: Oh, he's mean, despicable and totally cruel...I
wanna know more about him and I surely hope we'll get to know more about his
background and plans of doom."
-Amazon Reviewer-Magyca
"It has well developed characters that you cant help but love
and a vile protagonist that makes the book very hard to put down."
-Amazon Reviewer - Deirdre

So, take
two: back to school, this time to the University of Rhode Island, where I
completed an MBA program in 1999. Not exactly the most exciting
field of study but boy did it open doors for me and today I am gainfully (and
happily) employed by the US Coast Guard developing and maintaining IT systems
that support all facets of their operations.
where am I now? West Virginia! I can honestly say that I never
thought I’d be living in West Virginia (much less working in the IT industry)
but here I am, and loving it. No matter what you’ve seen or heard, West
Virginia is a beautiful place to live. And so, here we are - me, the
husband, and three cats that basically run the show. Life is good, and as
long as I keep writing, it will keep getting better.
I was lucky enough that the author stopped by and gave me an interview and guest post both! Check them out below :)
***Author Interview***
Have you always wanted to be a writer?
really! I’ve always loved to read – I devoured every book I could get my hand
on as a kid and libraries and bookstores are still my favorite places to hang
out - but for a long time I never imagined writing a book of my own. That
seemed huge, daunting, something only mythical figures of literature managed to
complete. I wrote a lot - research papers mostly, technical analyses, that kind
of thing – but it was only about five years ago that I sat down and started to
slog my way through writing my first book. I was really naïve then and that’s
probably a good thing. If I’d known then how competitive the publishing market
is I might never have started!
Where did you get your inspiration for Breakshield?
all started with just Morgan and Kitsune. I love foxes and I love the idea of
familiars. The Between series is really about their relationship as much as the
struggle with Typhon, and so once I knew Morgan and Kitsune - had worked out
the relationship between them - the rest was just figuring out the backdrop to
make that relationship come out. The funny part is I set out to write one book
and somehow it ended up being three...
What can we expect in book 2 of the Between series? (No spoilers)
get ugly, we learn a bit more about Jamie and he gets into a lot more
trouble. Typhon will be back of course – anyone who read BREAKSHIELD will
know that guy’s not going away – and some new and unexpected adversaries pop up
in unexpected places. Vague enough for ya? :) Ok, what else could I
spill? Book 2 definitely provides more insight into all the major
characters, filling out some of the backstory and motivations for Morgan and
his crew. And there's lots of Kitsune. Lots and lots of Kitsune. That
should make some people happy.
What is your writing style? Do you outline, write everything by hand first or
do it all on a computer, ect..?
I'm a wreck. I don’t really have a lot of time during the week – like most
people I work full time and I’m honestly too tired most nights to be usefully
creative. The bulk of my writing is done on weekends in between chores,
errands, social events, etc. I carry a little moleskin notebook with me
most places and jot ideas down. Sometimes I can find a quiet place and
sketch out entire scenes if inspiration hits me. But the notebook is just
an idea saver. The bulk of my real writing is done on the computer. The
notebook is just a safety net for when I'm someplace where I can't grab the
computer. As for outlining, I don't really do it. I am immensely impressed
with the people who have the self-discipline and organization to outline but
I’m more seat of the pants in my writing. I get an idea and work out the
basic story arc in my head and then I just start writing. Things get added and
changed along the way, and it all ends up far more complicated than I
originally thought it would be, but things tend to work out. If a bit
What character do you relate to most?
Jamie. :) He's just an ordinary guy surrounded by extraordinary people in
extraordinary situations. He's a little scared (ok, a lot), a little mad,
nervous, curious, amazed, defiant - he's everything I'd expect a real person to
be in a messed up situation like he’s dropped into in the Between. That
said, I can relate to just about all the characters in BREAKSHIELD: Morgan's
willingness to do the right thing even if it’s the hard thing or the unpopular
thing; Kurou's calm demeanor and quiet force; Hallea's level-headedness and
strong moral center; Hakkon and Tussle - the mess-around twins. And Kitsune.
She’d my favorite character. And she’s the strongest of them all.
Who is your dream cast if your book ever became a movie?
There’s a tough one. I’d just be happy if someone wanted to turn
my book into a movie! But if I had to pick…well, Sean Bean is an obvious
one. He’s one of my favorite actors out there – has been ever since I saw him
playing Richard Sharpe from the Bernard Cornwell books. In fact, when I wrote
Morgan's brother Merrick I pretty much had him in mind. For
Morgan...well, I'd say Karl Urban, but he'd have to go blond :) Hiroyuki Sanada
from Sunshine would be my choice for Kuro, and I could see Oded Fehr
(from The Mummy) playing Tussle. I have no idea who’d I’d pick for
Hallea and Hakkon. No idea at all. J
Where else can we see your work?
got several short stories out there. The Ice Dragon is a stand-alone available
through Amazon and in Zharmae's Irony of Survival Anthology, Fairest Fowl just
got published in IFWG Publishing/SQ Mag's Star Quake 2 anthology, and Infinity
was included in Infinite Acacia's Infinite Science Fiction anthology.
Both of those anthologies are available through Amazon as well.
What authors are some of your favorites?
really admire C.J Cherryh’s work – both her sci-fi and fantasy stories – and I
think her writing had the most influence on my own. Not that I’m claiming
to write like her or as well as her, but I love how she weaves in themes
from folk tales and mythology. And her characters…she creates these
amazing broken, wounded characters that are so pissed off at the world.
There are a ton of other authors I really admire (Neal Asher, Steven Brust,
Charles de Lint, Stephen King, Bernard Cornwell) and though the style and
themes of my writing might not necessarily be like them, reading their work,
seeing how they build a story and string words together has definitely helped
me to develop my own style. I’m also extremely fortunate to know a
few upcoming writers that are part of my writing group. Laura Lam –
author of Pantomime and Shadowplay – writes amazing,
award-winning LGBT speculative fiction that is beautiful to read, and John
Dixon – author of Phoenix Island – saw his novel adapted for the TV show
Intelligence. Their work is incredible and they’ve both helped me
out along the way.
***Guest Post***
1) How you write
(Your process and inspirations)
I write. Huh. That's an interesting one. I'll start out by saying it's changed
over the years, just as my style of writing has changed. The most recent trend
is one I didn't see coming. Like most writers, I write both novels and short
stories. Regardless of the length of what I'm writing, it usually starts out as
a random thought that comes at some odd moment - usually while I'm running -
that I dutifully jot down in my 'ideas' notebook. There it'll sit for
days or weeks, maybe even a few months while I mull it over and try to figure
out a full-fledged story for my random idea. One recent work started with
just a name. Took me a long time to figure out what that guy did and what
I was going to write about, but it's my favorite piece that I've written so
far. Which leads me to the unexpected trend part. That piece started out
as a short story. Ok, a long short story. One that tickled at the edge
of being a novella. So, naturally, I made it longer and turned it into a book
:) I've done the same thing with two other short stories now - fleshing them
out and turning them into books - and I think I quite like the concept.
But who knows - next month I may be watching cartoons and writing fan fiction
while wearing bunny slippers and pig pajamas.
for my inspirations, you name it, I’m inspired! Honestly, I don’t
know. Ideas come to me and if it’s interesting enough it sticks and
becomes a long and winding thing with words. Mythology is an
influence. Folk tales and fairy tales too. A lot of my works take
themes and characters from those and use them in one way or another. Not
strict retellings, just hints here and there. And if you’ve read my work
you’ll know I love animals, and I think everything I’ve written works some
kind of animal in in some kind of way. Oh, and my fellow writers
inspire me. I seriously have the best writing group ever. We trade
critiques do beta reads and help out with queries. They inspire me immensely
with their talent and creativity, their cheers and commiserations and general
awesomeness. Go Inkbots!
A peek inside your office
office. First off, my office is not an office. I work all day in an office so
the last thing I want when I'm writing is to be stuck at a desk in an
office. I need space and comfort, a good view and some food close
by. And since I write on a laptop, my 'office' can move! But you
want to know about my office, so I'll show you. This my office when the weather
is obliging…
this is my office when it's not.
come equipped with one of these…
are actually three models of cat to choose from in mouse, but this one sucks up
the most so his picture made the blog post. By the way - his name is Oliver.
There's a whole post about him on my blog if you're interested (
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