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Friday, December 5, 2014

My Masters' Nightmare Episodes 1 - 15 by Marita A. Hansen Blog Tour, Interview and Giveaway :)

My Masters' Nightmare Episodes 1 - 15 by Marita A. Hansen
Publication Date: December 1, 2014  

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Warning: This series contains non consent and dub consent. I didn't see it coming, didn't realize how different everything would be within the space of a month. I would fall in love with one man, I would kill another, and I would lose my body, my mind, my soul - my freedom to them. I was an operative, a strong woman, someone sent in to save others, but under these two men I became weak - or pretended to be. I didn't like being weak, it angered me. If I had free rein I could cut my masters in two. But I wasn't there for pride, I was there to free those women and to take down the two men who sold them as sex slaves. Those men needed to be punished And I would do it No matter the cost Or how much I lost Because I am Rita Kovak MY MASTERS' NIGHTMARE 

Purchase Links

My Masters' Nightmare (Episodes 1-5)
Amazon | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords My Masters' Nightmare (Episodes 6-10) Amazon | Amazon UK |  Barnes & Noble | Smashwords My Masters' Nightmare (Episodes 11-15) Amazon | Amazon UK |  Barnes & Noble | Smashwords Looking for more Mafioso Books? Check out the author's other series....
Ricardo (The Santini Brothers #1)
Amazon | Amazon UK |  Barnes & Noble | Smashwords Brando (The Santini Brothers #2) Goodreads

About the Author

NATIONALITY AND CULTURAL CONNECTIONS: I'm a true blue Aucklander, born and bred in New Zealand. I tend to write about cultures I have connections to, such as Croatian and Maori. I would love to visit Croatia again as I have family there. However, in My Masters' Nightmare, I have started writing about Italians . My husband is part Italian and I also have a degree in Italian. SPORTS: As a teen my favorite sports were karate, badminton, and running. I also did unarmed combat and played in a touch rugby team (my gym teacher made me do the last one!) Now, I stick to coaching soccer and running. I have completed two marathons, numerous half-marathons and one 30K run. CAREER PATH: I started off as a Graphic Designer, then went to Auckland University, where I got a BA degree in Art History and Italian Studies and a post-graduate Honors degree in Art History. I worked in the Art History field, then became a full-time artist, doing commissions. I eventually lost all of my senses and gave it up to be a poor, starving writer, smh. FAVORITE FOODS: I'm vegetarian. I love pasta based foods, tofu, chocolate mousse and golden queen peaches. BAD HABITS: I'm a major procrastinator that can't seem to earn money to save myself! STATUS: Married to my high school sweetheart (which he hates me calling him). We have two kids.


Follow the Tour

December 1
December 2
December 3
December 4
December 5
December 6


***Author Interview***

What inspired you to write your first book? 
My old Catholic school. Although I didn't publish that book, it started me on my writing career.

Do you have a specific writing style? 
I tend to write unpredictable stories, where the reader usually finds it hard to guess what's going to happen next. My Masters' Nightmare is the most unpredictable out of all of my stories. There are so many twists and turns in it that the reader will probably get whiplash :) I also tend to depict things in a matter of fact way, since I don't like flowery language.
How did you come up with the title of My Masters' Nightmare? 
I got it from the last line of the blurb. I also thought the story needed the name Master in the title due to its genre.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 
I don't put messages in my books, I just write the characters' stories.

How much of the book is realistic? 
My Masters' Nightmare isn't a realistic story. It's a crazy mafia soap opera with a fast-paced plot and outlandish characters. However, my New Zealand books are very realistic.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
In two of my series, the answer would be a distinct yes. Behind the Hood has a few characters based on real people, plus it also has real settings, just with the names changed. I also have another book that is partly based on someone in particular. My mouth is zipped on that one. In addition, I have published my teenage diaries. But in regards to My Masters' Nightmare, the answer is thankfully a no.

What books have most influenced your life most? 
My books, because they changed my whole outlook on life. They also cause me a lot of stress as well as a lot of joy.

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? 
Sorry, I couldn't choose, because I wouldn't consider any writer to be my mentor. I could say what writers I have enjoyed reading in the past: Stephen King, J.R. Ward, Melvin Burgess, and Mario Puzo.

What book are you reading now? 
Unfortunately, only my own book. I have such a hectic schedule with intense deadlines that I don't get much time to read.

What are your current projects? 
I'm getting I Love You, Salvatore (The Santini Brothers #1.5) ready for publication. It's an Italian mafia romance spanning 26 years. After that, I will be publishing Brando (The Santini Brothers #2), which follows the hitman of the Santini family. It's a mafia romance too, but also has action and family drama. After that, I'm hoping to publish Behind the Secrets (Behind the Lives #4), which belongs to a New Zealand series. It follows the lives of a group of people living in a rough neighbourhood in South Auckland. It's a mix of genres: romance, family drama, social realism, and street lit.
My Masters' Nightmare is also being translated into Italian.
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book? 
If I did it all over again, I might not have written My Masters' Nightmare. It was a very stressful and exhausting series to write, with very dark topics. I've thought about stopping it many times, but decided to finish the 15 episodes I promised my readers.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? 
When I was a teenager I wrote diaries, which I've published. I also wrote short stories and non fiction.

Can you share a little of your current work with us? 
From My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 1:
He nuzzled my ear. "I now own your body, your mind, your soul," he whispered. "You are mine to do as I please. I'm your master, your god, your nightmare..."
No, I'm yours, I thought, I'm yours.
Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)? 

Who designed the covers? 
Arijana Karčić from Cover It! Designs designed My Masters' Nightmare, Ricardo (The Santini Brothers #1), Brando (The Santini Brothers #2), Don't Peek (The Diaries of a Teenage Girl), and Overwhelmed (Blurred Lines #1). While Louisa Maggio from LM Creations designed I Love You, Salvatore (The Santini Brothers #1.5). I designed all of the Behind the Lives books.

What was the hardest part of writing your the My Masters' Nightmare series? 
The dark topics. Sometimes it got too dark for me. The intense deadlines to complete each episode in also got to me.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? 
That I could write more than social realism, since people liked my mafia stories.

Do you have any advice for other writers? 
Don't take every review personally, not everyone will like your writing. And most definitely don't get mad at the reviewer, they're being honest, and sometimes what they say can be helpful in improving your writing.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 
Thank you for reading my books, I appreciate your encouragement.

What genre do you consider your book(s)? 
They vary. My Masters' Nightmare is classified as Erotica, whereas The Santini Brothers series is romance, family drama, action, and thriller. The Behind the Lives series is a complete mixture, containing many genres: Street Lit, Romance, Family Drama, Comedy, Erotica, and so on. It depends upon the theme for each book in that series. Overwhelmed is realistic Chick Lit. Graffiti Heaven is Street Lit, Romance, Family Drama, Comedy, and Edgy YA.

Do you ever experience writer's block? 
I don't get writer's block. Unfortunately, I have too many ideas and not enough time to bring them to fruition.

Do you write an outline before every book you write? 
No, I start writing a story with a general idea, then one line flows into another, and it takes me where it wants to go. I usually don't know what's going to happen at the end, so I'm like a reader, finding out as I go along. It's an enjoyable way to write, making things much more interesting. When I started writing the last episode for My Masters' Nightmare, I still didn't know how it was going to end, other than one person in particular was going to die.

Have you ever hated something you wrote? 
Yes. A lot of my readers know I hated writing My Masters' Nightmare. Writing a dark series as opposed to reading it is quite different.
What is your favourite theme/genre to write about? 
I like to mash up genres, putting a bit of everything into my stories. I think there's family drama and romance in all of my books, along with humour. I also like mafia and social realism themes.

While you were writing, did you ever feel as if you were one of the characters?
Not for My Masters' Nightmare. People have  asked if I relate to Rita, due to the character's name being a shortened version of mine. But that was totally unintentional. I'm Marita, she's Rita, different names, different personalities. We're nothing alike, other than we both like karate. But, I have related to another character in one of my other series. There were some substantial differences, but also some significant similarities. Again, my mouth is zipped on who it is :)
Thank you Marita for answering some of our questions :)  Good luck with the book! 


1 comment:

  1. How interesting to hear from Marita. I can see how writing a dark series can take a lot out of a writer emotionally. I think it is great that she is going to continue the series for her readers, even though it is stressful. Wishing her the best of luck.


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