Secrets of a Reluctant Princess by
Casey Griffin
Publication Date: March 7, 2017
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Adrianna Bottom always wanted to be
liked. But this wasn’t exactly what she had in mind. Now, she’s
in the spotlight…and out of her geeky comfort zone. She’ll do
whatever it takes to turn the rumor mill in her favor—even if it
means keeping secrets. So far, it’s working.
Wear the right clothes. Say the
right things. Be seen with the right people.
Kevin, the adorable sketch artist who
shares her love of all things nerd, isn’t exactly the right people.
But that doesn’t stop Adrianna from crushing on him. The only way
she can spend time with him is in disguise, as Princess Andy, the
masked girl he’s been LARPing with. If he found out who she really
was, though, he’d hate her.
The rules have been set. The teams
have their players. Game on.
to Goodreads:
Griffin can often be found at comic conventions on her days off from
her day job, driving 400 ton dump trucks in Northern Alberta, Canada.
As a jack of all trades with a resume boasting registered nurse,
English teacher, and photographer, books are her true passion. Casey
is a 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel finalist, and is currently busy
writing every moment she can.
- One (1) winner will receive a signed copy of Secrets of a Reluctant Princess + a Tiara!
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